After getting testy with conservative candidate for U.S. Senate Trey Grayson at a candidate's forum, candidate Rand Paul and his campaign manager David Adams are back peddling on Paul's liberal positions on the issues and making laughing stocks of themselves. From the Courier-Journal report on the candidate's forum:
On the Republican side, Secretary of State Trey Grayson accused Bowling Green ophthalmologist Rand Paul of posting a news release on his Web site indicating that Paul supports closing the prison for terror suspects in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
At first, Paul denied Grayson's claim.
“Then I guess you'll have to change your Web page,” Grayson said.
“You might learn to go read,” Paul shot back.
After looking at a screen grab of the news release after the forum, however, Paul told reporters that whoever was responsible for the posting “is going to be in trouble.”
“I was not aware that it was on our Web site, and it's not my position,” Paul said.
Said Grayson: “It's beyond disingenuous to disown something that you put on your own Web page and you keep on your own Web page nearly six months after you put it on your Web page.”
Paul campaign manager David Adams responded later:
“This race is going to be heated for a lot of reasons,” Adams said. “I would hope the least of which would be an unauthorized, mistaken statement that was printed on Rand's Web site, unbeknownst to him, six months ago."
Can you believe these excuses? The campaign manager and the candidate weren't aware of a position statement put out by their campaign that's been posted on their website for six months? What else are they planning to back peddle on (and probably going through and deleting from the website as we speak to erase the paper trail)? In addition, the claim of an inaccurate website post doesn't cover his verbal statements previously which contradict his claim he now supports military tribunals (see the below blog post showing Rand Paul's quotes from the Alex Jones show - one of a number of Rand Paul's appearances with a top leader of the 9/11 truth conspiracy movement).