Sunday, April 4, 2010

Rand Paul Says Adair County Republican Party "Laughing Stock of the State"

An event in Columbia, Kentucky tonight that was reportedly billed locally as a "townhall" meeting with Rand Paul turned out to be a fundraising rally according to Brandon Thompson, Public Relations officer for the Adair County Republican Party's Executive Committee. Thompson had come to learn more about the man for whom he had "some questions and a semi-favorable view". He told me via email, "I went with an open mind, because my thinking was, if he wins, I want to know who I'm voting for in November, and I agreed with several of his points." Thompson ended up leaving the event angry, however, and it was apparently with good reason.
is also a good title for this piece. That's the noise that babies make when they need a nap, or spoiled candidates make when they don't get their way.

Thursday night (2/24), our intrepid Team Johnson bloggerette, Lisa Graas, received some Tweets from Brandon Thompson, in Casey County. Brandon is on the Executive Committee of the Adair County Republican Party. According to the Tweets, Brandon had just left a meeting between the Adair County GOP and Rand Paul, where he had expressed displeasure with them about not being invited to the Lincoln Day Dinner in March. See below:


The Battle of Adair County
At some point in the evening, Rand Paul, doing what he does best, attacked the organizers of an upcoming Lincoln Dinner, the Adair County Republican Party, with this statement, “I’ll tell you one thing, your county party sure isn’t very friendly. In fact, in a few weeks you’re having a Lincoln Dinner, and Trey Grayson is the Keynote Speaker and I’ve not been invited.”